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A New Way Faith Community

"there is nothing new under the sun."

We believe in finding A New Way of doing things, while holding onto timeless truth. As a Christian non-profit, our mission is simple: to help the community, to be charitable, and to encourage hope & faith. We are based on the Central Coast, NSW... There is something for everyone.​​

We Help The Community

We run a range of programs with social workers and youth practitioners that exist to benefit the community.

We Create Online Media

Our newest initiative is 'The Audio Bible Project,' an accessible, engaging audio Bible in podcast format.

We Host Events

Our Sundown Sessions are relaxed, simple and authentic. There is something for everyone.

As a non-profit, why do we use the word Church?

The word "Church" is a translation of "ekklésia". Historically, this word has been mistakenly associated solely with religious buildings, institutions and Sunday services. However, its true meaning is "a gathering of people". It has been used to describe councils, mobs, and groups united by shared faith or values. We are a church; we may not occupy a traditional building, and we aren't a traditional religious institution... But, we are a community of individuals bound together by a commitment to good.


For a detailed outline of our mission please read the vision and prospectus.


To see what we believe please see our statement of faith: What We Believe

The Team

A good leadership structure is incredibly important for any non-profit organisation to ensure accountability.


Our management team empower staff to concentrate on the non-profit's operational aspects, while they ensure legal compliance, ethical guidance and theological accuracy. 


Lewis Jonker - Director/CEO

Lewis (BTh. DipMin. CHC42315) is a speaker, storyteller, preacher, and poet with 12 years of experience in vocational ministry. He has worked across various schools as a chaplain and spent 6 years as the Associate Pastor at Narara Valley Baptist Church.



Evan Lawrie - Community Chaplain

Evan (Advanced Diploma in Biblical Studies) spent five years with the Churches of Christ as an associate pastor and has extensive experience in pastoral care and youth mentorship. He’s been a youth mentor in community spaces, juvenile justice centres, schools, refuges, and youth centres across the country.



Grant Booth - Chairperson

Grant has been deeply involved in local church ministry for his entire life. With extensive experience leading and managing church music teams within the ACC denomination, Grant brings a wealth of knowledge and dedication to the role of Chairperson.



Kylie Courtney - Treasurer

Kylie is deeply passionate about the vision of A New Way. She has extensive experience in business, running a successful company alongside her husband on the Central Coast. Kylie's expertise in financial management is a significant asset to our team.



Hannah Lawrie - Committee Member

Hannah is an accountant with an incredible faith and understanding of the Gospel. Hannah has assisted many charities in their pursuit of good financial systems and accountability and is an incredible advocate for healthy governance.


Ted Bell - Committee Member

Ted is a retired senior human resources manager at BHP Engineering, and has since worked as an associate pastor and consultant within various churches and the Baptist denomination. His extensive HR and pastoral experience are crucial to our team's success.


Sharon Booth - Committee Member

Sharon Booth is a professional psychologist who has been deeply involved in local church ministry throughout her life in the ACC denomination. Her professional and ministry experience enriches our committee's capacity to serve our community.


Neil Harris - Committee Member

Neil is a relationship counsellor and professional supervisor for ministry professionals across a broad range of denominations. His passion for mental health and healthy practices and boundaries are essential to our mission and values.​


David Kenny - Adviser

David is the Treasurer at Narara Valley Baptist Church and is lending his expertise to our organisation during our formative stages. His financial acumen and experience are invaluable as we establish and grow our mission.

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